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Spring washers vs. flat washers - a comparison of performance

2024-12-13 15:38:51
Spring washers vs. flat washers - a comparison of performance

Two important fasteners are the spring washer and round washer. An example of a fastener is one that gets objects to hold firmly. We'll go over each type of washer, which works better for what tasks as well as differences in use and function.

What is Load Distribution?

Now, what does load distribution mean and how do we differentiate between a spring washer v/s flat washer. Load path– Load distribution is the term that refers to how weight or pressure is distributed/ spread. This spreading out is critical to prevent the bolt or screw from crushing whatever parts it is holding together. Both flat washers and DIN 7980 Spring Washers help to distribute the load during tightening, but in different ways.

Conversely, spring washers do disperse weight in a similar manner, yet their design allows them to provide an opposite force. They are specially designed that they can shrink or bulge when the weight/pressure changes. That snapping ability makes the bolt or screw stay tight even during high movement or vibration. Hence, spring washers are great for applications where high vibrations or movements occur.

Spring washer vs flat washer—what to choose

Therefore, let us go through the difference between these above two types of washers in strength and work efficiency. I hope this helps you understand the differences so you know when to use which type of washer.

Spring washers must definitely be more locking than flat type washers. Internal and external, these are resistant to loosening when affected by vibrations, temperature changes, and uneven pressure. For applications where there is much movement, or within some systems heat causes the fitting materials to expand and contract — GB9074 Spring Washers are designed this way which makes them more reliable. And spring washers also perform well on softer or non-flat surfaces where the flat washer may become embedded in the material leading to inadequate support.

Performance Comparison

Having established the differences between GB93-87 Spring Washers and flat washers, let's take a closer look at how they operate. 

Load Distribution:

Spring washers are more ideal for a moving load as they handle spreading and gapping of the load between layers just like the flat washer. This allows them to accommodate more pressure variations than flat washers, which helps maintain the snugness of everything.

Vibration Resistance:

So, spring washers can easily resist vibrations than flat washers. Because they can flex and change shape, they will absorb some of the movement which helps to maintain tightness on screws or bolts.

That being said when it comes to high quality spring washers and flat washers Wan Gu is here to cater what you need. Designed to perform and easy to install! Both types ensure that you find the best solution available whether you require spring washers due to the dynamic nature of your application or flat washers for general use.